What is Self-care?
The term ‘self-care’ covers a myriad of things we might do to tend to our physical, emotional and social well-being.
It may involve resting, exercising, eating healthily, enjoying hobbies, or socialising with family and friends. It is important to integrate self-care into our daily lives as it helps us to function at our best.
Through the busy lives we lead and the pressures we find ourselves under, self-care is often put on the back-burner and we can end up feeling stressed, overwhelmed, burnt-out or ill as a result.
Finding the right balance in your life to allow for physical, emotional and social activities is essential for your health and happiness. It’s useful to understand how each aspect plays a role in your well-being when you consider self-care ideas that suit you.
How to Go About Self-care
Physical Self-care
There is a strong connection between our body and mind. Each day our body is under duress to get us through the physical demands of life.. Just like a car, we cannot run without fuel, and maintenance is essential for smooth-running.
So... how well are you taking care of yourself? Do you have enough restful sleep? Do you eat the right foods? Are you staying hydrated? Do you exercise regularly? Do you take care of your body? Do you spend enough time outdoors?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, take a moment to tune into how your body feels right now. Notice any sensations... twinges, tingles, aches, fatigue, dry mouth. What do you think your body needs? Choose to do something manageable to address those needs. Perhaps a stretch or a quick walk would be helpful. Or maybe you feel tired, and a bubble-bath, book and early bed would suit you better. You know your body better than anyone else, so try to make little changes to prioritise your health and restoration. Build on these adjustments as they begin to come more naturally.
Emotional Self-care
Allowing our emotions to build up inside can be overwhelming. It can cause stress and anxiety, which can impact our daily interactions and relationships. This can then become a cycle, as our feelings can worsen if we feel isolated with our emotions.
It’s important to deal with unwieldy emotions like stress, anger and sadness as they come up, otherwise they build up and become unmanageable.
You might find reflection useful - you could journal, meditate, or make some time for mindfulness. Maybe you would prefer to do something more energetic, like go for a run or head to the gym. Exercise increases our dopamine levels and we can feel happier and more energetic after a good workout. Relaxation and creativity can also help us to feel less overwhelmed, so make time to do something you enjoy. You may also need an outlet - it can be helpful to talk to someone about your feelings.
Social Self-care
How you feel about yourself can be greatly impacted by your relationships with other people. Taking a break from social pressures is sometimes a necessity when you feel drained or anxious as a result of interacting with others - in person, or over social media. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself, and take a break from social media for a few days. It can really help to drown out your inner critic when you are not being made to feel inadequate. Try only following friends and pages that make you feel inspired and empowered.
Spend time with the most important people in your life to make memories and try new things. Having adventures, laughing and enjoying yourself provides a greater sense of fulfilment and deepens relationships.
Hopefully you are now feeling inspired to make some small adjustments in your life, make a bit more time for taking care of yourself, and strike up a more balanced and healthier existence. However, it’s also important to say that self-care is an ongoing process, with the ultimate goal
being the creation of a life that you do not feel the need to escape or recover from.